Is Threatening Common in Sexual Coercion?

In order to protect yourself from sexual harassment, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of various forms of this crime. For example, if you want to file a report for sexual coercion, then you need to understand what it is and the tell-tale signs of a coercive situation. Your chances of getting the justice you need are much higher when you can give an accurate description of how you were harassed.

What is Sexual Coercion?

Sexual coercion is when someone tricks you into performing sexual acts, threatens or blackmails you, or lies to make you feel guilty about not having sex. This is a form of sexual harassment, and it is a very serious matter. True consent should be present in every sexual situation. When it comes to coercion, consent was bypassed or forced.

Verbal Threats

Verbal threats can be a part of sexual coercion. If an aggressor threatens to use information they have to get the victim in trouble unless the victim agrees to sex, then this is a form of coercion. Furthermore, threats to expose a secret or unflattering fact about the victim count as blackmail, another form of coercion. Verbal threats can be used in a variety of ways to try and coerce someone into sex, and all of those threats can be classified as sexual harassment.

What Should I Do if I Experience Sexual Coercion?

If you have no intention to give someone consent for sex, then you should attempt to get away from that person. The moment someone attempts to trick you into having sex without your true and freely-given consent, they are violating your human rights.

Our legal team specializes in helping victims of sexual coercion make their stories heard. If you feel that you have been the victim of sexual coercion, then we encourage you to give one of our compassionate and professional sexual harassment attorneys a call and let us help you make sense of what can be a confusing and frustrating situation.

69 Delaware Avenue,
Suite 1111,
Buffalo, NY 14202

Phone: 716-800-8080
Email: Click Here


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