The Many Forms of Sexual Intimidation

Sexual harassment in the workplace is demeaning, destructive, and violates federal and state civil rights laws. It is important for people to know that there does not need to be physical contact with an aggressor for their to be an incident worth reporting. Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that has been getting more attention lately because of the gender issues society is tackling. In order to fight sexual intimidation, you first need to understand how to identify it.

What Is Sexual Intimidation?

Sexual intimidation is the act of making someone feel guilty or ashamed of their gender or their gender choices. The most common examples are men who make women feel uncomfortable because of the outfit a woman is wearing, or when heterosexual individuals try to humiliate homosexuals or those who have chosen an alternate lifestyle.

Forms Of Sexual Intimidation

There are many forms of sexual intimidation, but the most common include:

  • People making lewd comments about a woman or man’s clothing
  • An attempt to make a person feel shame for their sexual orientation
  • Verbal attempts to intimidate people based on their gender or gender identification
  • Posting abusive material on Facebook about a person’s sexual orientation, gender choice, or alternative lifestyle

What Can Be Done?

Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that is also very similar to bullying. Generally, the only goal of someone who commits sexual intimidation is to make themselves feel better at someone else’s expense and discomfort.

No one should ever tolerate sexual intimidation. If it happens in the workplace then you should file a sexual harassment complaint immediately. Talk to your supervisor about your company’s sexual harassment reporting policies, and then use those policies to report your aggressor. You would not only be representing yourself in your pursuit, but you will also be attempting to spare future victims from harassment as well.

Sexual intimidation is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Generally, it is considered a civil violation at the federal and state levels. Our offices are ready to help you understand sexual intimidation, and help you to get the results you seek from your sexual harassment report. Our legal team will fight along with you to make sure that sexual intimidation is not accepted in the workplace, and that you get the maximum amount of compensation that may be available to you. Contact our sexual intimidation lawyers today and let us give you the information you need to understand your situation better.

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