What is Sexual Intimidation?

Interpersonal relationships are difficult to manage and especially so when each side has a different idea as to what the relationship should be. In an office setting, there are a variety of personality types, all trying to co-exist and be productive. Some of those personality types are not sensitive to subjects such as gender equality and sexual harassment, and that can create situations of sexual intimidation.

What is Sexual Intimidation?

Sexual intimidation is a form of sexual harassment that is more geared towards humiliating a person because of their gender or their gender choices. It also involves making someone feel uncomfortable because of aggressive, but non-physical, sexual innuendos and actions. An aggressor in a sexual intimidation situation is forceful in their crude statements, crude jokes, unwanted physical contact, and other forms of direct and indirect intimidation.

Is this Sexual Harassment?

While the intent is normally not to intimidate the victim into having sex, sexual intimidation is a form of the broader set of abuses referred to as sexual harassment. It is a form of violating a person’s civil rights based on sexual actions and statements, and it is considered illegal. Civil rights laws at the federal level that address sexual harassment and many states have created their own set of laws that give rights to victims of sexual harassment.

What can I do?

Since sexual intimidation is considered sexual harassment, you have many options when it comes to putting a stop to an aggressor. In the workplace, you should talk to your supervisor. You should make a sexual harassment complaint with the human resources department.

If your attempts to stop an aggressor do not work and your employer is ineffective, then you need to contact an experience law firm. Most people do not realize that if their company will not act to stop sexual intimidation, then they can contact a lawyer to get justice. The most common tool used by attorneys is to sue the aggressor in civil court and impose enough financial damage to get the intimidation to stop.

We have many years of experience in helping the victims of sexual intimidation to get the harassment to stop. If you are a victim, we strongly encourage you to give our sexual harassment lawyers a call and let us put our years of experience to work for you.


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